National Water Policy of Tajikistan
National Report of the Republic of Tajikistan (2006) (pdf, 361 kB)
“Road map” planned steps towards realization of the IWRM principles and rationale of the essential activities in the Republic of Tajikistan (2006) (pdf, 198 kB)
V.I. Sokolov, V.A. Dukhovny: Developing the National Water Policy (2009) (pdf, 21 kB)
Roadmap of the National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in the Republic Tajikistan (2011) (pdf, 690 kB)
Country Report on Mapping of Major Stakeholders and Programmes in Tajikistan (2011) (pdf, 1063 kB)
Second Revised Water Sector Reforms Strategy Plan for the Republic of Tajikistan (2012) (pdf, 825 kB)
Implementation and Investment Plan for the Irrigation and Rural Water Supply Sub Sector for the Republic of Tajikistan (2012) (pdf, 1025 kB)
Vision of the national development of IWRM in the Republic of Tajikistan based on the IWRM-FV Project experience (2011) (pdf, 382 kB)
National Stakeholder Consultations on Water: Supporting the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2013) (pdf, 611 kB)
F. Kabilov: Local Water Management in Tajikistan: Legal Framework (2017) (pdf, 413 kB)
R. Shenhav, D.r Domullodzhanov: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Tajikistan: The Role of Water User Associations in improving Energy and Food Security (2017) (pdf, 390 kB)
Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). SDG Indicator 6.5.1 (pdf, 524 kB)