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Forms of Implementation of Consulting Service

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, A.G. Galustyan, S.A. Nerozin: The End User of Water and the Extension Service for Farmers (2009) (pdf, 53 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, A.G. Galustyan, S.A. Nerozin: Developing the Extension Services in Kyrgyzstan (2009) (pdf, 68 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, A.G. Galustyan, S.A. Nerozin: Developing the Extension Services in Tajikistan (2009) (pdf, 69 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, A.G. Galustyan, S.A. Nerozin: Developing the Extension Services in Uzbekistan (2009) (pdf, 104 kB)

I. Abdullaev, M. Ul Hassan, H. Manthrithilake, M. Yakubov: The Reliability Improvement in Irrigation Services: Application of Rotational Water Distribution to Tertiary Canals in Central Asia (2006) (IWMI Research Report 100) (pdf, 807 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov: Estimation of irrigation water use and its allocation at the districts’ and farms’ level in the period of agricultural sector’s reorganization in the territories of three states in Fergana Valley (2010) (pdf, 193 kB)

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