Management within the Hydro-Geographical Boundaries or according to the Hydrological Principle
V.A. Dukhovny, V.I. Sokolov, H. Manthrithilake, N. Mirzaev: Management within the Hydro-Geographical Boundaries or according to the Hydrological Principle (2009) (pdf, 140 kB)
Hydrographization (2009) (pdf, 180 kB)
V.A. Dukhovny: Transboundary waters and their joint use — hydrological and political aspects (2005) (pdf, 68 kB)
V.A. Dukhovny: Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: lessons learned from the Aral Sea basin (2005) (pdf, 653 kB)
V.A. Dukhovny: The creation of capacity development of interstate water collaboration in the Aral Sea Basin (2005) (pdf, 234 kB)
Guideline on Integrated Water Resources Management (report) (2004) (pdf, 473 kB)
H. Manthrithilake: Capacity Development Strategy (2009) (pdf, 427 kB)
Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project Phase-1: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Inception Report (2011) (pdf, 2,7 MB)
V. Dukhovny, G. Stulina: Implementation IWRM in Ferghana Valley (2012) (pdf, 1,4 MB)
D.C. McKinney: Basin-Scale Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia (2003) (pdf, 173 kB)
J. Butterworth; J. Warner; P. Moriarty; S. Smits, C. Batchelor: Finding practical approaches to Integrated Water Resources Management (2010) (pdf, 173 kB)