The glossary contains the basic terms, definitions and concepts which are used in spheres of the Water Economy. The glossary is not comprehensive and does not claim to cover all aspects. It reflects only the very general concepts and definitions.
Source: NALMS - Water Words Glossary

Glossary of gender terminology contains main definitions and concepts. The glossary is not comprehensive and does not claim to cover all aspects. It reflects only the very general concepts and definitions.

Integrated Water Cycle Management: а Multilingual Glossary
Nurdillayeva R. & Jones H. (Eds).
The Glossary provides basic definitions and explanations of terms commonly used in environmental and integrated water cycle management. For ease of use, terms are listed in alphabetical order in English followed by translations into Russian and Kazakh. The Glossary is designed for Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral students of higher educational institutions, practitioners in the sphere of ecology and water resources management, as well as a wider range of general interest readers.