Watering of the area

Watering is a complex of measures, chiefly hydrotechnical, carried out in arid and water-short areas with the aim to provide them with water. Watering is the first stage of construction of water supply and watering/irrigation systems in areas where there are no water sources or they are of low yield, or their water is unusable. At watering, they first use local water resources (groundwater, rivers, lakes, precipitation); to this end, water intake facilities (wells, groundwater intake structures, karezes, groundwater intake structures on rivers, etc.), retention basins, regulating reservoirs on rivers, etc. are constructed. If their number is insufficient, or there is no or they are irregularly distributed over a given area, external water sources are to be found, from which water will be supplied through canals and the pipelines of irrigation systems to the watered area and distributed over it.
The scope of watering measures depends on practical use of the area being watered. Shaft or pipe wells, basins with watering points are to be built for water supply to pastures. In order to provide farms with water in dry farming areas, group water supply systems are built that combine the functions of watering and water supply facilities. In areas where one can develop selective/sample irrigation (mainly in the areas of cultivation of vegetables and fodder crops) watering-irrigation systems are built: water is fed through watering canals for water supply and irrigation.
Source: Yandex.Vocabularies
Purposes and methods
Depending on the purposes set, different water intake facilities, reservoirs, canals, pipelines, watering points and other are built. Watering is the first stage of construction of water supply and irrigation systems in the areas where there are no water sources, their output is insufficient, or their water is unusable. Thus, watering methods can be broken down into two types as follows:
- The first type deals with intensive using first and foremost local water resources, e.g. groundwater, rivers, lakes, precipitation, for watering; for this, water intake facilities (wells, water intake or artesian wells, groundwater intake structures, karezes, water intakes on rivers, etc.), retaining basins, regulating reservoirs on rivers, etc. are to be built.
- If available local resources are not sufficient, absent or distributed irregularly over a given area, the second type of watering is applied. In this case, external water sources are to be found, from which water is supplied through canals and irrigation system pipelines to the watered area and distributed over it.
Scope of measures
The scope of watering measures depends on current tasks and practical use of the watered area:
- Shaft or pipe wells, basins with watering points are to be built for watering of pastures.
- In order to provide farms with water in dry farming areas, group water supply systems are to be built that combine the functions of watering and water supply facilities.
- In areas where one can develop selective/sample irrigation (mainly in the areas of cultivation of vegetables and fodder crops) watering-irrigation systems are built: water is fed through watering canals for water supply and irrigation.
- A given area is watered not only for agricultural needs, but also for other purposes. For example, watering of peatbogs is performed for the purpose of prevention of fires or for extinguishing of the fires that already in place.
Source: Wikipedia