Professional development and training

Professional development is an integral part of lifelong and vocational education.
Professional development (definition):
- A kind of additional vocational education, upgrade and deepening of earlier acquired professional knowledge, improvement of competencies … // Pedagogical glossary
- Any training aimed to improve and develop knowledge and skills in specific area of activity // Official terminology
- Learning activity aimed at achieving higher degree of competence // Vocational education. Dictionary
Professional development takes place as and when necessary but, as a rule, not less than once in five years during working life.
This can be in the form of on-the-job training. The aim is to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired in the course of theoretical lessons. On-the-job training is also to study best practices and acquire new skills to fulfill functions at current or higher position. The duration of on-the-job training is set by employer, who sends employees for training.
The following institutions are involved in professional development:
- Academia, except for higher professional education institutions;
- (Sectoral, multidisciplinary, regional) institutes of continuing education: established at higher professional education institutions;
- Professional development courses (schools, centers).
Public educational institutions for professional development, as well as accredited public educational institutions issue state-recognized certificates upon graduation of courses.
Training courses and training workshops are most widespread.
Training (definitions):
- A form of interactive learning for interpersonal and professional communication improvement // Pedagogical dictionary
- Intensive practice-oriented learning // Pedagogical dictionary of librarian
- Type of learning to form and improve some skills // Pedagogical glossary
Training course (definitions):
- System of lessons developed in line with state standards and curriculum…// New tutorial of terms and concepts …
- Cycle of subjects and topics included in the curriculum.
- Clearly defined circle of knowledge and skills on any subject // Vocational education. Dictionary
Training course is delivered in a certain period of time and consists of a number of subjects. Upon completion, a certificate is issued. The term ‘curriculum’ is more often used in the context of higher school.
Workshop (definitions):
- A kind of group sessions on any issue, discussion among participants of beforehand prepared messages, reports, etc.
- Group practical exercises for students or employees … // Russian encyclopedia of job safety
- Group sessions for professional development.
- (Scientific workshop) — a traditional form of professional development in scientific circles, acquaintance with peer work, form of public discussion among peers of scientific information to get new knowledge and methods and optimize collaboration.
There is a facilitator of workshops. Workshop topics and handouts are disseminated for discussion and study. The objective of discussions is to form skills of professional debate and consolidate knowledge on discussed topics.
Sources (in Russian):
Povisheniye kvalifikatsii / Slovari i enziklopediyi na Akademike
Kurs obutcheniya / Slovari i enziklopediyi na Akademike
Seminar / Slovari i enziklopediyi na Akademike
Author: Rysbekov Yu. Kh., SIC ICWC