Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Arrangement of springs to improve stock watering


Title Arrangement of springs to improve stock watering
Category of tools Public participation principle
Field of application

Use of water resources

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change Moderate
Implemented by CAMP-Alatoo Public Foundation (PF)
Used by

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Chuy Region

District: Sokuluk District

Local specifics

The site is located in a semi-drought zone subject to acute shortage of water resources in summer period and land degradation

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2011

End date: 31.12.2011

Problem solved through this practice

Extremely low water availability (supply) of pastures; the quantity of cattle in watering sites below standard; land erosion

Tools used in the practice

Technology of springs arrangement for stock watering

Description of the practice and its results


At first, the exact location of water outcrop was identified and cleaned from mud.  15 meters below the outcrop, 3 interconnected water tubs were installed (each 1.8 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.5 deep).  Each subsequent tub is located lower than the preceding one, thus, allowing water flowing down in the cascade manner.


Financial and economic:

Cattle gaining weight quicker.


Improved water supply in the area, including for cattle watering.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Collection of water in one place had been practiced since ancient times, but was forgotten over time.  Rehabilitation of traditional practices should be welcomed.


Similar practices should be scaled-up and continued as they not only benefit the local population, but also allow enhancing water availability for wild animals and expanding hayfield meadows.

Source of practice

Traditional tools transferred from generation to generation which demonstrate their relevance in modern conditions

Funding source PF “CAMP-Alatoo”, local population
Information sources, Mr. Abdybek Asanaliyev (e-mail:, Kyrgyz National Agriculture University, Bishkek

Form submission date 30.03.2018
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