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on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Improving water distribution in water user association/s (WUA)


Title Improving water distribution in water user association/s (WUA)
Category of tools Water distribution technology
Field of application

Use of water resources

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change Moderate
Implemented by IWMI Tashkent Office jointly with Counterpart representatives
Used by

Country: Kazakhstan

Province: South Kazakhstan Region

District: Maktaaral District

Practice also applied in the following localities

Turkestan District

Local specifics

Rural Water Consumer Cooperatives (RWCC) are located in the tail part of Dostyk and Turkestan Main Canals (TMC)

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2006

End date: 31.12.2006

Problem solved through this practice

Conflicts between water users associated with water distribution;

Loss of water from canals (due to filtration and discharge)

Tools used in the practice
  • Survey among stakeholders,
  • Microsoft Excel computer-based planning of water use,
  • Seminars to train water users on computer-based technologies and water accounting
Description of the practice and its results


Based on the location of RWCCs and with the account of recommendations by akimats (local governance bodies), 8 RWCCs were selected to conduct a survey based on specially prepared questionnaires. Survey results showed that the main issues in target rural areas were water distribution among consumers and drawing up water use plans (WUP) for RWCCs. The proceeding trainings seminars focused on exactly these themes. At the end of the year, the monitoring of the introduction of new water distribution methods was conducted.


Application of this water distribution practice allowed to sharply reduce the quantity of conflict situations as well as nearly eliminate water losses due to filtration at the canals’ headworks and discharge.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Hourly water distribution allows more flexibility in the context of water deficit. After the trainings for water users and WUAs personnel on hourly water distribution, the number of corresponding conflicts decreased.


Considering the high turnover of RWCC staff, the trainings should be repeated on annual basis. Hourly water distribution schemes should be used in locations/periods of acute water shortage.

Source of practice
  • Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)
  • Foreign tools (transfer of foreign experience)
Brief information on the project

Counterpart holds seminars, training courses and programs on effective use of water resources in Kazakhstan with the aim of assisting farmers and other land users in building up their corresponding skills as well as teaching them basic water use principles.  In the course of its collaboration with Counterpart, IWMI analyzed and studied the reclamation condition of irrigated land plots and the technical state of irrigation and drainage networks in Makhtaaral and Turkestan Districts of Southern Kazakhstan Region.

Project title: Support Program for water associations in Southern Kazakhstan

Project duration: 1 year

Project goal and objectives: train water users on new water distribution techniques, computer technologies for drawing WUPs, most simple methods of water accounting.

Project beneficiaries: water consumers

Project implementer: local akimats

Project donor: USAID

Funding source Support Program for water associations in Southern Kazakhstan
Information sources

IWMI Report “Training on water management on RWCC level and drawing up the water use plan for Makhtaaral and Turkestan Districts of Southern Kazakhstan Region”, Tashkent 2006

Form submission date 30.03.2018
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