Title | Accumulation of rain and runoff water via a series of cascading storage pools (small reservoirs) |
Category of tools | System for enhancing water availability |
Field of application |
Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change | High |
Implemented by | Ministry of Water Management of Turkmenistan (4 res-ervoirs) and “Responding to climate change risks for dekhan farming system of Turkmenistan on national and local levels” Project (7 reservoirs) |
Used by |
Country: Turkmenistan Province: Ahal Region |
Practice also applied in the following localities |
Akhal Velayat (Region) (3 reservoirs) and Balkan Velayat (7 reservoirs); Archabil Etrap (District) (3 reservoirs) and Bakharly Etrap (7 reservoirs); practice geographical coverage – Garavul Settlement (approx. 6,000 people) and Konegumbez Settlement (approx. 1,000 people). |
Local specifics |
The settlements are located in the river catchment area; deep ground water occurrence; mountain valleys are under high risk of mudflows and floods. |
Practice usage period |
Start date: 01.01.2012 End date: 31.12.2013 |
Problem solved through this practice |
Water deficit; settlements and agricultural land under flood and mudflow threat during mudflow risk periods |
Tools used in the practice |
Cascading storage pools (reservoirs) accumulating rain and runoff water |
Description of the practice and its results |
Lessons learnt and recommendations made |
Source of practice |
Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations) |
Readiness for implementation |
1. Cost of implementation: Moderate 2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha: $50-500 3. O&M costs: Low 4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage |
Brief information on the project |
Project title: Responding to climate change risks for dekhan farming system of Turkmenistan on national and local levels. Project duration: 2012-2016. Project goal and objectives: build the adaptation capacity to respond to climate change impacts, including variability on local and national levels. Project beneficiaries: population of Garavul Settlement (about 6,000 people) and Konegumbez Settlement (about 1,000 people). Project implementer: Ministry of Nature Conservation of Turkmenistan and UNDP |
Funding source | Adaptation Facility |
Information sources |
Government of Turkmenistan |
Form submission date | 03.04.2018 |
Print Compare with other practice |