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on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Accumulation of rain and runoff water via a series of cascading storage pools (small reservoirs)


Title Accumulation of rain and runoff water via a series of cascading storage pools (small reservoirs)
Category of tools System for enhancing water availability
Field of application
  • Use of water resources
  • Use of land resources
  • Environmental protection
Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change High
Implemented by Ministry of Water Management of Turkmenistan (4 res-ervoirs) and “Responding to climate change risks for dekhan farming system of Turkmenistan on national and local levels” Project (7 reservoirs)
Used by

Country: Turkmenistan

Province: Ahal Region

Practice also applied in the following localities

Akhal Velayat (Region) (3 reservoirs) and Balkan Velayat (7 reservoirs); Archabil Etrap (District) (3 reservoirs) and Bakharly Etrap (7 reservoirs); practice geographical coverage – Garavul Settlement (approx. 6,000 people) and Konegumbez Settlement (approx. 1,000 people).

Local specifics

The settlements are located in the river catchment area; deep ground water occurrence; mountain valleys are under high risk of mudflows and floods.

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2012

End date: 31.12.2013

Problem solved through this practice

Water deficit; settlements and agricultural land under flood and mudflow threat during mudflow risk periods

Tools used in the practice

Cascading storage pools (reservoirs) accumulating rain and runoff water

Description of the practice and its results


  • assessment of mudflow and flood risks and surveying local population regarding reservoirs’ locations and water uses (drinking and irrigation water supply);
  • designing reservoirs;
  • construction of reservoirs with the engagement of local residents;
  • training of local residents on servicing reservoirs and corresponding equipment.


  • reduced risks for public life and health;
  • enhanced water supply of irrigated land;
  • reduced risk of agricultural losses due to drought;
  • reduced risk of biodiversity damage caused by mudflows and floods;
  • enhanced public access to drinking water.
Lessons learnt and recommendations made
  • Cascading reservoirs provide better cumulative effect at lower cost compared to separate reservoirs;
  • Application of modern water-proofing materials during the construction of storage pools (reservoirs) allows to reliably store winter and spring runoff to be used during vegetation period.
Source of practice

Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: Moderate

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha: $50-500

3. O&M costs: Low

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

Project title: Responding to climate change risks for dekhan farming system of Turkmenistan on national and local levels.

Project duration: 2012-2016.

Project goal and objectives: build the adaptation capacity to respond to climate change impacts, including variability on local and national levels.

Project beneficiaries: population of Garavul Settlement (about 6,000 people) and Konegumbez Settlement (about 1,000 people).

Project implementer: Ministry of Nature Conservation of Turkmenistan and UNDP

Funding source Adaptation Facility
Information sources

Government of Turkmenistan

Form submission date 03.04.2018
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