Discharges, population and land cover in the Amudarya river basin
Surface temperature trends in the Amudarya river basin
Precipitation in the Amudarya river basin: variability and trends
Climate change impacts in the Amudarya river basin
Land degradation issues in the Amudarya river basin
Upper Amudarya river basin hydropower potential
Pollution issues in the Amudarya river basin and adjacent regions
Biodiversity in the Amudarya river basin and adjacent regions

Linear scheme of upstream of Amudarya river
Upstream administration of the BWO «Amudarya»
Linear scheme of middle stream of Amudarya river
Linear scheme of UPRADIK — Administration of Amudarya Delta Irrigation Canals
Linear scheme of downstream of Amudarya river
Downstream administration of the BWO «Amudarya»
Administration of Amudarya Delta Irrigation Canals
Chardjew Territorial Operational Administration
Planning zones in upstream of the Amudarya river basin: Khatlon province, Tajikistan
Planning zones in middle stream of the Amudarya river basin: Surkhandarya province, Uzbekistan
Planning zones in middle stream of the Amudarya river basin: Kashkadarya province, Uzbekistan
Planning zones in middle stream of the Amudarya river basin: Bukhara and Navoi provinces, Uzbekistan
Location of meteostations in the upstream of Amudarya
Location of meteostations in the middle stream of Amudarya
Location of meteostations in the downstream of Amudarya
Amudarya river basin map based on satellite images