Water resources of Afghanistan/ Arahandab at Upstream Res. Arghandab


River: Arahandab Area: 11500.0 km2 Latitude: 32.01 deg.
Station: Upstream Res. Arghandab Elevation: - m Longitude: 66.10 deg.

Mean for Observation Period: 1951-1960 Total months: 108

- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
m3/s 25.3 43.7 105. 147. 81.3 31.6 28.0 12.1 9.27 11.6 18.7 22.9 44.7
mm 5.88 9.28 24.5 33.1 18.9 7.13 6.51 2.82 2.09 2.70 4.21 5.33 123.
km3 0.068 0.11 0.28 0.38 0.22 0.082 0.075 0.032 0.024 0.031 0.048 0.061 1.41
l/s/km2 2.20 3.80 9.14 12.8 7.07 2.75 2.43 1.05 0.81 1.01 1.62 1.99 3.88
%% 4.71 8.16 19.6 27.4 15.2 5.90 5.21 2.26 1.73 2.17 3.48 4.27 100.

Arahandab at Upstream Res. Arghandab

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1951 - - - - - - - - - 9.65 13.5 16.9 -
1952 18.2 33.8 74.3 115. 51.3 18.0 12.8 10.5 8.72 9.68 13.0 14.6 31.7
1953 14.4 47.7 50.3 37.8 21.3 13.7 4.64 3.26 3.54 6.28 10.1 12.8 18.8
1954 19.8 82.8 136. 191. 104. 34.3 21.4 12.6 9.97 13.4 17.6 18.0 55.1
1955 18.9 16.6 50.3 30.7 29.7 12.2 4.36 3.29 2.40 5.89 9.54 22.9 17.2
1956 20.6 33.9 171. 248. 84.2 32.0 104. 28.7 14.2 17.3 21.8 19.3 66.3
1957 34.8 61.0 162. 331. 205. 86.4 39.9 21.5 18.2 18.5 41.8 53.8 89.5
1958 57.3 62.3 73.8 96.5 58.4 24.5 22.2 9.76 7.73 12.0 16.6 20.9 38.5
1959 21.8 31.4 187. 137. 68.4 28.8 23.9 9.88 10.3 11.8 24.1 26.8 48.4
1960 21.6 24.0 40.8 133. 109. 34.8 18.4 9.51 8.35 - - - -

Source: World Water Resources and their Use: I.A. Shiklomanov, SHI/UNESCO