Statement of the President of Turkmenistan H.E. Mr. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov at the 7th World Water Forum (Daegu, 12 April 2015)

Honorable Chairman,
Dear participants of the Forum,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me congratulate all the participants with the opening of the 7th World Water Forum and express my deep appreciation to Her Excellency, the President of the Republic of Korea, and the World Water Council for invitation to this important international event and for its excellent organization.
We have gathered to discuss the goals and objectives that without exaggeration are among the most relevant ones in the global agenda. Water issues cannot be addressed in isolation from the long-term world development agenda, the strategic goals of ecological and food security and the integrated system for sustainable energy.
In this context, I would like to reaffirm the Turkmenistan’s strong commitment to agreements reached in the water segment of sustainable development during the UN Conference “RIO+20” and other international fora.
Also we see the value of the High-level Interactive Dialogue, which has been recently held at UN headquarters. I believe that its results can become the basis for development of the long-term UN Special Program on water issues.
At the same time, Turkmenistan reiterated on several occasions the need to create conditions for active promotion of the water diplomacy idea at international level.
We consider that it is through establishment of a new political and diplomatic form of multilateral communications, such as water diplomacy that would enable a consistent dialogue aimed at covering all issues related to generation and restoration of water sources and their sound and efficient use. I am sure that such synergies between national governments and international organizations will become a basis for drafting of the United Nations water document.
The UN Water Strategy could also be such a document. Taking the opportunity, I suggest the participants of the Forum to consider the Turkmen Initiative thoroughly.
Another important point to be stressed is the access to water. In this regard, we support the UN Initiative for recognition of the access to water as a fundamental human right. This approach is underlined by the universal right to use water resources and responsibility for their effective management.
All countries in the world in our understanding should be committed to encure the right to water.
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
It should be noted that for to several reasons, water issue in Central Asia is a major factor and in some cases determinant of regional processes, influencing the situation in general, implementation of socio-economic development plan, and solution of serious ecological issues. Under these circumstances, regional consensus is the only appropriate platform for effective cooperation of the states. Turkmenistan consistently advocates this approach, where water and water-energy issues in Central Asia are addressed on the basis of universally recognized norms of international law, mutual respect and interests of all countries in the region, and involvement of international organizations.
Recognizing that solution of water issues on global scale is complicated due to climate change, Turkmenistan initiated the establishment of the Regional Technology Center for climate change in Ashkhabad under the UN aegis and with its active involvement. We believe that water issues could be a separate activity of this Center. We are convinced that establishment of such center is dictated by the current situation in Central-Asia.
This year Turkmenistan takes on the Presidency in the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. We intend to actively support interstate cooperation in tackling water issues in the region and make them a priority in cooperation with international organizations.
Distinguished participants of the Forum!
Turkmenistan supports the goals and objectives set up on agenda of the present Forum.
We are ready for active interactions with other countries, sharing experience, and wider cooperation with international organizations.
I wish all the participants of the Forum success and fruitful work.