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7. Participation

7.1 Why should I participate? Who should attend the Forum and why?

The Forum is a good opportunity to learn about water issues, to meet with water colleagues and establish new partnerships, to promote and advocate ideas and experiences, and to promote new projects, products and services.

The Forum is a unique platform where the water community and the policy and decision makers from all regions of the world can link up, debate and attempt to find solutions to achieve water security. All actors from the water world as well as other sectors with a story to tell (What kind of story? This is vague) should attend the Forum, to share their experiences with others and to influence water policies at every level.

7.2 How can I contribute? How can my organization become engaged and be heard in this Forum? Can my organisation chair a session?

Should your organisation wish to participate, please contact the Secretariat of the 5th Forum in Istanbul (Tel: +90 216 325 4 992 – email:

A call for contributions will be launched in the 2nd announcement of the Forum, around March 2008. You are kindly invited to respond to that call and contribute to the success of this event.

7.3 Who are the people attending? Are you expecting Presidents and Heads of State?

The Forum is attended by a varied public: Water users, water professionals, activists, UN representatives, NGOs, governments, parliamentarians, mayors, decision-makers, donors, private companies, development banks, hydrologists, economists, environmentalists, academicians, researchers, teachers, media, the general public and so on.

In Mexico, participants included official representatives and delegates from 140 countries, including 120 mayors, 150 legislators and 1395 journalists.

Several Heads of State were present in Mexico City, such as HRH Prince of Orange Willem Alexander of the Netherlands, President of Mexico Vicente Fox, HIH The Crown Prince of Japan and a great number of Ministers (148 governmental delegations from around the world). Even more are expected in Istanbul.

7.4 Will NGOs that are critical of the Forum be invited to attend? Will they hold an alternate Forum?

The organizers of the 5th World Water Forum have already called for NGOs and activists within the Forum. The forum stands for the principle that it would be more useful to communicate, debate and discuss issues with all relevant stakeholders, to bridge divides rather than create them. Therefore, efforts will be made to include these organisations and their viewpoints in the Forum.

However, it is likely that an alternative Forum will take place in parallel to the 5th Forum, as everyone has the right to express themselves in their own manner.

7.5 Is the Forum for developed or developing countries? What about those in between?

The Forum is for all countries, from the poorest to the richest and including all those in between. Since it aims to “bridge divides” notably between the poor and the rich, its objective is to gather a variety of participants representing all regions and sectors of the world. The success of the Forum is based on bringing together a great diversity of stakeholders.