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Dear colleagues,

The CAWater-Info portal invites you to take part in a discussion “Towards the Fifth World Water Forum”. 5th World Water Forum is to be held in Istanbul, Turkey in March 2009. As you know, the World Water Forums have been organized every 3 years upon the decision of the World Water Council (WWC) in order to outline major tendencies and lines in the global water system development.

The past Forums were held in:

Marrakech, Maroco, Мorоccо – 1997
Hague, Netherlands – 2000 – “Water Vision”
Kyoto, Japan – 2003 – “From Vision to Actions”
Mexico city, Mexico – 2006 – “Local actions for global challenges”.

The Forums became a global platform for increasing awareness about growing water crisis all over the world.

The Kick-off meeting regarding initiation of a global preparation campaign to the 5th WWF, which was held in Istanbul on 19-20 March 2007, outlined 11 main thematic issues to be used a basis for discussion of the future Forum.

For selection of clearer priority lines in our region, it is necessary to gather opinions of the public. Future water availability concerns everyone. This is not only business of water managers and agencies. All the members of human society are water users or consumers. Therefore, it is very important that you share your ideas and thoughts, on the basis of which by generalizing collective experience and opinion we will try to formulate major thematic priorities for our region, as well as urgent actions to be undertaken, in your opinion, in Central Asia. WWC suggested 11 thematic lines, each consisting of 3 to 15 components.

Thus, you are kindly requested:

  • to select 5 out of 11 thematic lines that you consider as high-priority ones and rank them by degree of importance;
  • if not sufficient in your opinion, you may suggest 2 additional lines and explain them in the general list of directions as elaborated by WWC;
  • inside each line, please, look at its components and outline actions to be taken for solution of the problems and for ensuring of sustainable water supply for human and meeting demand of various water users without damaging the environmental interests.

Your suggestions are welcome at the following e-mail address:

Team of CAWater-Info Portal

Thematic issues of the 5th World Water Forum

  1. Adapting to Climate Change / Risk Management
  2. Protecting Resources, Livelihoods and Biodiversity
  3. Financing Water Infrastructure and Services
  4. Improving Management of Water Services and Resources
  5. Improving Water Governance
  6. Innovation and Water Technologies
  7. Equity, Education and Ethics
  8. Health, Sanitation and Water Supply
  9. Food Security, Water for Food and Ecosystems
  10. Water for Energy — Energy for Water
  11. Water Basin Management

1. Adapting to Climate Change / Risk Management


  • Global impacts of CV and CC on water resources and water services (social, economic and environmental)
  • Regional vulnerability assessments
  • Extremes, disasters, including droughts, floods and hurricanes/storms
  • Accellerating trends (sea level rise, snow cover melt)
  • Local adaptation measures
  • Early warning
  • Structural — storage as a coping mechanism
  • Non-structural — land use, spatial planning

2. Protecting Resources, Livelihoods and Biodiversity


  • Threatening of water catchments areas: erosion, vegetation and urbanization
  • Threatening of water quality: organic and non-organic pollution
  • Disappearance of wetlands: size and quality, increasing flooding
  • Unbalance between water demand for economic development and natural habitats, and water availability: economic population growth
  • Lack of coherence in management of different users and usages
  • Unadapted storage solutions and threaten the water resources and environment and livelihoods
  • Irresponsible collective and individual behaviours threaten the ecological balance of water sources
  • Over exploitation of groundwater threaten the sustainability of water resources
  • Misuse of water for irrigation can lead long-term degradation of soil and environment
  • Degradation of ecology accelerates environmental migration

3. Financing Water Infrastructure and Services


  • Need for world guide to water financing
  • Addressing the specifities of water infrastructure financing
  • Creating the appropriate public environment to attract finance, and building local capacity building for water operators
  • Tariffs-billing subsidies. What works where? Who will decide? How can transparency be encouraged?
  • Modalities for financing the PeriUrban — access for the poor
  • Continue the Gurria task force. Make the Financing for All web site better known

4. Improving Management of Water Services and Resources


  • Ground water in transition (threatened state)
  • Urban water management systems
  • Integrated water resources management (including reuse)
  • Improving managers — capacity building (training on the basis of a shared value system)
  • Agricultural water management

5. Improving Water Governance


  • Lack of framework convention to structure governance:
    • International standards are needed
    • Develop principles to define roles and responsibilities at different levels
    • Too much overlap and duplication, especially at international level
  • Disequilibrium: agriculture/irrgation uses the most water but urban/human hosehold water and sanitation is the focus of the political process
  • Cultural uniqueness and social context must be recognized in water governance
  • Recognize local authorities as key players — capacity building must target elected officials at all levels
  • Groundwater use and governance raises different issues that are not effectively managed at national level
  • “Shared stewardship” concept must be nurtured:
    • Conflicts between urban and agricultural use
    • Conflicts among Ministers for Natural Resources, Finance and Development
    • Disconnection between water supply, development and Conservation Strategies
    • Better data on line will bring a revolution in transparency
    • Corruption must be addressed
  • High priority institutional deficiency is lack of a global Framework Agreement for Transboundary Waters

6. Innovation and Water Technologies


  • Demand management and sectoral competition
  • Basin-wide management for development, including demographic, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions
  • Participatory management focused on both water quantity and quality aspects
  • Institutional fragmentation and lack of legislation
  • Also of note:
    • Transboundary water management
    • Groundwater management

7. Equity, Education and Ethics


  • Education for water and sanitation; water rights and legislation
  • Education in water management
  • Right to water for poor people
  • Water management

8. Health, Sanitation and Water Supply


  • Accelerate the implementation of water supply and sanitation MDGs, include waste water disposal
  • Sustainable financing of water supply, sanitation and waste water disposal

9. Food Security, Water for Food and Ecosystems


  • Integration of irrigation into a river basin management policy (quantity + quality aspects)
  • Listening to the voice of the farming community (water users associations. etc) (with a gender perspective)
  • Reconciliation of water for agriculture and water for other uses (ecosystems) appropriate industrial setup
  • Financing irrigation infrastructure
  • Food security vs. energy security (bio-fuels production)
  • Use of marginal (brackish, reuse...)
  • Focus on Subsaharan Africa and countries in conflict
  • Involving other players in the food chain community (agro industry, retailers)
  • Securing land for agriculture/food security
  • Improving water productivity and efficiency in the whole food chain
  • Virtual water issues, international trade, agricultural subsidies
  • Rain fed agriculture
  • Time and space for water for agriculture at the Forum

10. Water for Energy — Energy for Water


  • The role of water in renewable energy
  • Transboundary cooperation for water and energy
  • Climate change and renewable resources on water and energy
  • Good practice in social and environmental issues in water and energy
  • HP for sustainable development needs in Africa
  • Financing of renewable resources of water and energy
  • Technical innovations in water and energy
  • Multipurpose characteristics of water for energy
  • Renewable energy for water (groundwater, desalinization, cooling, sanitation)
  • Millennium Development Goals relating water and energy

11. Water Basin Management


  • Demand management and sectoral competition
  • Basin-wide management for development, including demographic, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions
  • Participatory management focused on both water quantity and quality aspects
  • Institutional fragmentation and lack of legislation
  • Also of note:
    • Transboundary water management
    • Groundwater management